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Highest rent increase in 30 years coming! Take action! 

Since 1993, rents have increased by 141%! By linking the rent increase to wage increases and inflation, tenants can count on a rent increase of up to 5.8% in the social sector and 5.5% in the private sector in 2024. This makes it the highest rent increase in 30 years! The objectionable income-related rent increases of €50 to €100 will also be maintained. While our wages have been moderated, rent has become unaffordable after years of cuts, mismanagement and market forces. A quarter of tenants cannot make ends meet financially after paying the rent.

Highest rent increase in 30 years coming! Take action!  Read More »

Action meeting 'We refuse the rent increase' Den Bosch – May 30, 7:30 PM

Since 1993, rents have increased by 141%! This year, many Den Bosch corporations, investors and private landlords will add more than 5% on top of that! While our wages have been moderated, rent has become unaffordable after years of cuts, mismanagement and market forces. A quarter of tenants cannot make ends meet financially after paying the rent! To tackle the housing crisis, the government must structurally invest in public housing instead of unilaterally passing the bill on to tenants.

Action meeting 'We refuse the rent increase' Den Bosch – May 30, 7:30 PM Read More »

Action meeting 'Refuse the Rent Increase' The Hague | Wednesday May 29, 7:30 PM

Since 1993, rents have increased by 141%! This year, the Hague corporations will add another 5.3%! While our wages have been moderated, rent has become unaffordable after years of cuts, mismanagement and market forces. A quarter of tenants cannot make ends meet financially after paying the rent! To tackle the housing crisis, the government must structurally invest in public housing instead of unilaterally passing the bill on to tenants.

Action meeting 'Refuse the Rent Increase' The Hague | Wednesday May 29, 7:30 PM Read More »