29/05/23 – On June 9, the action group Wij Weigeren de Rent Increase (WWDH) will distribute door-to-door flyers in the Molenwijk district in The Hague for a rent freeze as of July 1. The national action group demands a rent freeze on all rents for the next five years and reinforces this demand by refusing the annual rent increase with as many people as possible.
In The Hague, the group consists of members of the Bond Precaire Woonvormen, SP The Hague, the Hague City Party and a number of affiliated rent increase refusers. They are going to distribute flyers in Molenwijk because many tenants of Hof Wonen live in very bad houses, but can expect a rent increase every year. Due to political pressure, the Hague council has announced that it will press Hof Wonen for a rent reduction for residents of the Trekweg, but it remains to be seen whether Hof Wonen will actually do this.
Renters are increasingly experiencing financial difficulties due to rent increases. You do not have to agree with a proposal for a rent increase, refusal is permitted by law. Landlords conceal this when they propose a rent increase.
The action group has a toolbox with which the refusal of the rent increase can be successfully implemented. For example, by distributing flyers at rental properties in the city and countryside, tenants are called upon to participate in the campaign. These flyers are available free of charge at postage de Rode Lap. Tenants who subsequently sign up organize themselves in provincial or local app groups and thus form solidarity networks 'for tenants, by tenants'. Via monthly webinars or local residential consultation hours, tenants are guided and provided with information to arm themselves against the annual rent increase and to enforce a multi-year rent freeze. To make living affordable again, and to keep it that way. Do you also want to know how you can refuse the rent increase? Sign up and follow the step-by-step plan
Do you want to fly along? Send an email to to sign up, or come to the Laakmolen at Trekweg 102 on June 9 at 7:00 PM.