Flyer action May 6 and information evening May 16 den Bosch

With BPW Den Bosch and SP Youth.

06/05/21 – On Friday May 6, the action group We Refuse the Rent Increase (WWDH) will be distributing flyers door-to-door in the De Kruiskamp district in Den Bosch for a rent freeze as of July 1. On 16 May there will be an information evening at the Social Cultural Center de Helftheuvel from 19:00 to discuss the action method and the further course of refusing the rent increase in Den Bosch.

Failure to pay is a formal objection

Renters are increasingly experiencing financial difficulties due to rent increases. Refusal is legal. You do not have to agree to a proposal. Landlords do not mention this when they propose a rent increase. Spokesperson Abel Heijkamp of BPW Den Bosch: “The rents are rising every year and there seems to be no end to it. Home seekers have been on the waiting list for years. If something becomes available at all, it is often too expensive. More and more tenants are wondering whether the rent can still be paid. Many tenants already have to choose: decent food or pay the rent! Rising energy costs exacerbate the problems.”

Action campaign

Soon We Refuse the Rent Increase will start its action for rent freezing in Den Bosch. The campaign is made possible in part by the Bond Precaire Woonvorm Den Bosch and SP Den Bosch. We Refuse the Rent Increase also works together with other organizations, including united within the national action coalition Woonopstand. 

Information evening 16 May Den Bosch

On May 16, there will be an information evening at the Social Cultural Center de Helftheuvel. 

Address: Helftheuvelpassage 115 in Den Bosch. 19:00 walk-in. 19:30 starts. 

On this evening we will discuss the action method and the further course of this action. Tenants can also tell their story.

For more information, please contact: