WWDH Utrecht | Action at STUW: Stop the Rent Increase

We are done with the annual rent increase! The maximum rent is increased every year without landlords considering whether this is necessary. This year it is up to 5.8%. That's 30 euros extra per month, which makes a huge difference for some. In these expensive times it is important that there is enough left after paying the rent for other necessary expenses!

We are going to give the landlords a chance to change their minds before we refuse the rent increase again, just like last year, with a growing group of Utrecht residents.

So come to the STUW head office (Brennerbaan 106) on April 21 at 1:00 PM. 3524 BN Utrecht), the association of housing associations in Utrecht, to jointly send a clear signal: stop the rent increase!

Do you want to participate but can't be there? Please contact We refuse the rent increase in Utrecht or send an email to Woonprotest Utrecht.

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